
TRP 2011.07.01

Frank and John celebrate Hugo Chavez getting cancer, and call on the people of Venezuela to rise up and overthrow the dictatorship while they have chance.

John tackles Obama's speech from last week, calling it the whiniest class warfare speech he's ever heard.

Plus: TRP Banned in China!... The real reason for suicide bombing... The Marxist perspective for the case against DSK.... Obama has a drug problem.... Frank rightly blasts the Republican Party for allowing "Queer" marriage to be passed in New York state.... John talks about his cats.... your phone calls at 718.761.9996 and much more.

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BONUS AUDIO: Show #7 from March 9, 1998 - John of SI,  Jim Wall, and Carl from Oyster Bay discuss Whitewater, Monicagate, and all the other Bill Clinton scandals!

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